Single-manual harpsichord

A bright and pure sound
Two generations Klop mean a wealth of knowledge and experience. We made a special study of the Flemish and French harpsichord building-tradition. The powerful, vocal and transparent tone of the instruments in the building tradition of the Ruckers family, or Dulcken and Taskin, make them versatile instruments. If you wish performance of the entire harpsichord repertoire,we recommend the FF-f’’’ range. If frequent transport is necessary, or if it is at risk of being damaged, we advise cherrywood or oak.
J.Ruckers, 1627
– Range BB-f’’’, 185×85 cm
– 2x 8’and buff
– a 415/440Hz

J.Ruckers, 1640
– Range GG/BB-d’’’, 210×78 cm
– 2x 8’and buff
– a 415/440 Hz

J.D.Dulcken, 1747
– Range FF-f’’’, 225×96 cm
– 2x 8’and buff
– a 415/440 Hz

Taskin, 1769
– Range FF-f’’’ 225×96 cm
– 2x 8’and buff
– a 392/415/440 Hz

Klop Orgels background image